As the historic timeline shows, the members of the Gundolf family were gifted with musical talent. After having performed at several events at home as well as throughout Europe, the brothers Franz, Konrad and Ernst Gundolf founded the Tyrolean family ensemble „Alpenbühne Geschwister Gundolf“ in 1967
Together with their father Kurt Gundolf, the sisters Edith and Fini as well as musician and dancer friends they started to organize their Tyrolean Evenings at the historical „Gasthaus Stiftskeller“ in Innsbruck.
A lively and varied programme has been put together with the intention to introduce visitors to authentic Tyrolean music and folk dances in a diverting and entertaining way. The Gundolf family thus preserves a piece of popular culture in the third generation. A Tyrolean Evening with the Gundolf family whisks the visitors away from everyday life and allows them to immerse themselves in the traditions of Tyrol.
With the Gundolf family, guests and local visitors do not experience excessive kitsch, but Tyrolean customs and traditional folk music presented with emotion and joie de vivre.